dinsdag 2 augustus 2011

Citaten dagboeken Theodore Herzl

De dagboeken van Zionisten leider Theodore Herzl bestaan uit vijf delen, ruim 1900 pagina's. Naar verluidt heeft Herzl de schatbewaarder van zijn erfenis opgedragen de dagboeken nooit openbaar te maken. Dit is toch gebeurt. De dagboeken zijn moeilijk te krijgen. In Nederland zijn ze amper te vinden. Alleen in enkele bibliotheken te vinden. De tweedehands exemplaren (vijf delen) die hetzuur in bezit heeft zijn op 01 maart 1961 voor achttien dollar door de 'Jewish Agency/Publications Service te New York' verkocht aan de eerste eigenaar. Aangenomen kan en mag worden dat deze dagboeken authentiek zijn. De dagboeken van Theodore Herzl beslaan de periode van mei 1895 tot en met mei 1904. Het is onmiskenbaar dat Herzl en zijn Zionisten de wegbereiders waren voor de Nazi's. Hieronder enkele citaten uit de dagboeken van Theodore Herzl om een idee te krijgen van het gedachte goed van deze leverancier van ellende, deze teksten spreken op zichzelf beschouwd voor zich:

Blz 10: However, anti-Semitism, which is a strong and unconscious force among the masses, will not harm the Jews. I consider it to be a movement useful to the Jewish character
Blz 21 (Hezl bespreekt zijn plannen met Baron von Hirsch): To attract Jews to rural areas you would have to tell them some fairy-tale about how they may strike gold there”.
Blz 34 (Herzl beschrijft de procedure ter realisatie van Zionistische doelen) Start of publicity (wich will cost nothing, for the anti-Semites wille rejoice, and I shall break down the liberal opposition by threats of competition).
Blz 36: Let the cowardly, assimilated, baptized Jews remain.
Blz 48: My personal security will be the concern of a well-run Secret Police
Blz 48: It is a military campaign.
Blz 48: Through the grand institution of this stock-exchange monopoly I shall also get an astonished Europe to imitate us. This will crowd the Jews out of the European stock exchange, because the existing governments certainly will not give these sinecures to Jews. That will yield me fresh immigrants.
Blz 51 (Herzl schrijft over de 'family council' van de joodse bankiers familie Rothschild): As soon as the first cadres are set up, the land is fixed, etc., I can go to governments and tell them: R's are making this sacrifice ( a kind of indirect self-taxation) to remove your surplus Jews”. “We must use the word 'surplus', otherwise they will not let us make propaganda and move away.
Blz 51: We are sacrificing a billion for the 'solution of the Jewish Question'.
Blz 56: In the beginning we shall be supported by anti-Semites through a recrudescence of persecution.
Blz 65: Note that the next European war cannot harm our enterprise, but only benefit it, because all Jews will transport all their belongings across, to safety.
Blz 65: In this way our fighting forces will get experienced warriors who have faced death and will enhance the prestige of our Army.
Blz 67: We need a sturdy race.
Blz 72: To be sure, we are suffering under the sufferings that we are causing.
Blz 73: If we have not yet emigrated by the outbreak of the next war, all Jews of quality must go to the front, regardless of whether they were “fit for active service” when they reached the draft age, whether they are sill of military age, whether they are healthy or sick. They must drag themselves to the army of their present fatherland, and if they are on opposite sides, they must shoot at one another. Some may regard this as paying a debt of honor, others as a down-payment on our future honor. But all will have to do it.
Blz 83: It would be an excellent idea to call in respectable, accredited anti-Semites as liquidators of property.
Blz 84: The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies.
Blz 110: For I have the solution of the Jewish Question.
Blz 110: I am as little dependent on the Rothschilds' cooperation as I am on that of the other wealthy Jews.
Blz 118: I believe I have found the solution to the Jewish Question. Not a solution, but the solution, the only one.
Blz 132: The only possible, final, and successful solutions of the Jewish Question requires a billion francs.
Blz 132: We shall solve the Jewish Question by either safeguarding or liquidating the fortune of the wealthy Jews. If we cannot do it with the help of the wealthy Jews, we shall do it in spite of them.
Blz 136: The Jews who don't go with us could fare badly. We could, to be sure, leave them to there fate, since they were too cowardly or too mean to join us.
Blz 143: I have already told you that we want to let respectable anti-Semites participate in our project, respecting their independence which is valuable to us – as a sort of people's control authority.
Blz 145: In many places the moving business is in the hands of Jews. These companies will be the first we will liquidate.
Blz 152: But no great exertion will be necessary to stimulate the migration movement. The anti-Semites are already taking care of this for us.
Blz 162-163 (Herzl over de Joodse bankiers Rothschild): I don’t know whether all governments already realize what an international menace your World House constitutes. Without you no wars can be waged, and if peace is to be concluded, people are all the more dependent on you. For the year 1895 the military expenses of the five Great Powers have been estimated at four billion francs, and their actual peacetime military strength at 2,800,000 men. And these military forces which are unparalleled in history, you command financially, regardless of the conflicting desires of the nations!"
Blz 169: I am against democracy
Blz 170: … I am thinking of an “aristocratic republic,”...
Blz 170: But wherever opposition may appear, we shall break it down. Everywhere we shall try it with friendly persuasion, but if need be we shall push it through by brute force.
Blz 170: We shall impose extensive but firm limits on public opinion
Blz 170: … we certainly cannot permit our work to be disturbed by obtuse or malicious individuals.
Blz 171: … a Jewish State is a world necessity!
Blz 172: They cannot trow us into the sea, at least not all of us, nor burn us alive. After all, there are societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals everywhere. What, then? They would finally have to find us some piece of land on the globe – a world ghetto, if you please.
Blz 180: Therefore, no effective measures can actually be taken against us. And yet, anti-Semitism increases among the nations every day, every hour, and must continue to grow, because the causes have not been and cannot be removed.
Blz 182: The anti-Semites will have carried the day. Let them have this satisfaction, for we too shall be happy. They will have turned out to be right because they are right.
Blz 194: I shall try to do something for the Jews, but not with them.
Blz 196 (Herzl citeert ene Fürth): Fürth said: “It is not good for the Jews to develop such a strong nationalist feeling within themselves. This will only intensify the persecutions”.

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